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1. We must check and see what’s on this morning’s agenda. 我们必须要确认一下今天早上的日程有什么

2. The annual meeting will be held at the City Hotel. 年会将在城市饭店举行

3. It was a pleasure to attend the annual conference. 非常高兴能够参加年度会议

4. Employees are encouraged to participate in the workshop. 员工被鼓励参加讨论会

5. A board meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of every month. 每个月的第一个星期二将会召开董事会

6. The groundbreaking ceremony will start after all the guests arrive. 奠基仪式将在全部客人到达之后开始

7. Let’s meet at the conference room downstairs. 我们在楼下的会议室见

8. I haven’t enrolled in the seminar yet. 我还没注册报名参加研讨会

9. Her speech on marketing strategies was fascinating. 她关于市场战略的演讲很吸引人

10. Julie had to give a presentation on Saturday. 朱莉要在星期六做一个演讲

11. Please hand out these papers to the audience. 请把这些传单发给观众

12. We were impressed with your presentation. 我们对你的演讲印象深刻

13. The president will make an address. 总裁将会做一个演说

14. Aren’t you going to the management meeting? 你不去管理层会议吗

15. The meeting is still ongoing. 会议还在进行

16. Refreshment will be available on the first floor. 一层有点心提供

17. Non-members can register at the tables located in the east entrance. 非会员可以在东入口的桌子那里注册

18. The team is presenting the revised report to the board. 团队正在向董事会介绍修改过的报告

19. I would like to welcome you to our second annual social worker seminar. 欢迎你参加我们第2次的年度企业家研讨会

20. Why isn’t James coming to the staff meeting? 为什么詹姆斯没有来员工会议

21. Who will take charge of the company picnic? 谁将负责公司的野餐会


1. My cousin works in a multinational accounting firm. 我的表兄在一家跨国会计公司工作

2. The job will be advertised in the paper. 这个工作将会在报纸上广告

3. The man and the woman signed the agreement. 这个男人和这个女人签订了协议

4. His assistant will take care of the calls. 他的秘书将会处理这些电话。

5. The monthly audit will be cancelled this month. 这个月的月度会计审计将会被取消

6. Due to bad weather, construction is two weeks behind schedule. 由于天气不好,施工比日程晚了两个星期

7. That news boosted our stock prices in the market. 那条新闻使我们的市场股票价格上涨

8. She might be able to earn a higher commission. 她可能会挣更多的手续费

9. She was confident of favorable results. 她对好结果有信心

10. Always conform to company policy. 请一直遵守公司规定

11. The construction cost was over budget. 施工费用超过了预算

12. Consult our website for more information. 想得到更多的'信息请访问我们的网站

13. Any contribution is appreciated. 感激所有贡献

14. The corporation made a healthy profit. 公司取得了相当的利润

15. The company promised to cover any expenses. 公司承诺负担所有费用

16. Can you cover for me today? 你今天能替我吗

17. They would have been fired if they did not meet the deadline. 如果他们不能如期完成,将会被解雇

18. I have to display our new arrivals. 我要码放我们新到的物品

19. Please distribute the flyer among the public. 请在公众之中发放传单

20. Investing overseas is an effective way to make money. 海外投资是非常高效的赚钱方式

21. It is best to get permission before you start the project. 在你开始项目之前最好得到允许

22. Our headquarters are located in Geneva. 我们的总部位于日内瓦

23. Can you pay me in advance? 你可以预付给我钱吗