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1、职业学校 vocational school

2、附中 attached middle school

3、在职进修班 in-service training course

4、进修班 class for advanced studies

5、短训班 short-term training course

6、专修科 special (training) course

7、自学考试 self-taught examination

8、教职员 teaching and administrative1 staff

9、教学人员 the faculty2; teaching staff

10、中、小学校长headmaster/headmistress; principal

11、大专院校校长 president; chancellor3

12、教务长 dean of studies

13、(系)主任 chairman; chairperson

14、副主任 vice-chairman

15、教授 professor

16、副教授 associate professor

17、客座教授 visiting professor; guest professor

18、讲师 lecturer

19、助教 assistant

20、专职教师 full-time4 teacher

21、兼职教师 part-time teacher

22、辅导员 assistant for political and ideological5 work

23、教研室/组 teaching and research section/group

24、教学组 teaching group

25、教员休息室 staff room; common room

26、母校 Alma Mater

27、校友 alumnus; alumna6

28、学生会 students' union/association

29、高年级学生 upper/higher grade pupil/student; pupil/student in senior grades

30、低年级学生 lower grade pupil/student; pupil/student in junior grades

31、走读生 day student; non-resident student

32、住宿生 boarder

33、旁听生 auditor7

34、研究生 graduate student; post-graduate (student)

35、应届毕业生 graduating student/pupil; this year's graduates

36、听课 to visit a class; to sit in on a class; to attend a lecture

37、公开课 open class

38、课程 course; curriculum

39、必修课 required/compulsory course

40、选修课 elective/optional course

41、基础课 basic course

42、专业课 specialized8 course

43、课程表 school timetable

44、课外活动 extracurricular activities

45、课外辅导 instruction after class

46、课外阅读 outside reading

47、课堂讨论 class discussion

48、(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 seminar

49、教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus9

50、教学内容 content of courses

51、学习年限 period of schooling10

52、学历 record of formal schooling

53、学年 school/academic year

54、学期 (school)term; semester

55、学分 credit

56、分数 mark; grade

57、五分制 the 5-grade marking system

58、百分制 100-mark system

59、学习成绩 academic record; school record

60、成绩单 school report; report card; transcript11

61、毕业论文 thesis; dissertation12

62、毕业实习 graduation field work

63、毕业设计 graduation ceremony

64、毕业典礼 graduation ceremony; commencement

65、毕业证书 diploma; graduation certificate

66、毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal13

67、授予某人学位 to confer a degree on sb.

68、升级 to be promoted to a higher grade

69、留级 to repeat the year's work; to stay down

70、补考 make-up examination

71、升学t o go to a school of a higher grade; to enter a higher school

72、升学率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade

73、奖学金 scholarship

74、(国家)助学金 (state)stipend/subsidy

75、领取助学金的学生 a grant-aided student

76、学费 tuition (fee)

77、伙食费 board expenses

78、伙食补助 food allowance

79、基本框架 basic framework

80、办学效益 efficiency in school management

81、协调发展 coordinated1 and balanced program of development

82、教育投入 input2 in education

83、优化教师队伍 optimize3 the teaching staff

84、实行分区规划 practice regional planning

85、社会参与 communal4 participation5

86、新增劳动力 incoming labor6 force

87、职前教育 pre-service education

88、岗位培训 undergo job-specific training

89、提高......的思想品德 enhance the moral awareness7 of ...

90、职业道德 professional ethics8

91、重点学科 key disciplinary areas or priority fields of study

92、(大学)专科 Major Types of Education in China short 2- to 3- year higher education programs

93、扫盲班 literacy class

94、注册人数 enrollment9

95、年龄段(层)age bracket

96、反复灌输 inculcate

97、希望工程 Project Hope

98、学龄儿童 school-ager

99、人才枯竭 exhaustion10 of human resources

100、辍/失学青少年 school dropout/leaver

101、基金会 foundation

102、服务性行业 service trade

103、在职培训 on-the-job/in-service training

104、国际劳工组织 International Labor Organization

105、基础科学 the fundamentals

106、学分制 the credit system

107、三学期制 the trimester system

108、双学士制 a double BA degree system

109、主副修制 a system of a major field of specialization plus a minor11 field

110、教学、科研、生产的."三结合" "3-in-1 combination" involving teaching,research, and production

111、三结合联合体 tripartite complex

112、定向招生 students are admitted to be trained for pre-determined employers

113、包分配 guarantee job assignments

114、燎原计划 the Prairie Fire Program

115、示范试点 demonstration12 pilot project

116、结合、使加入 incorporate

117、动员 mobilize

118、税收 tax revenue

119、多学科的 multi-disciplinary

120、重点大学 key university


122、被授权 be authorized13 to do

123、博士后科研流动站 center for post-doctoral studies

124、专业 speciality

125、爱国人士 patriotic14 personage

126、国家发明奖 National Invention Prize

127、国家自然科学奖 National Prize for Natural Sciences

128、国家科技进步奖 National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology

129、学术报告会,专题讨论会 symposium15

130、记者招待会 press conference

131、国家教委主任 Chairman of the State Education Commission

132、国家统计局 the State Statistical16 Bureau

133、国家教育经费 national expenditure17 on education

134、财政拨款 financial allocation

135、半文盲 semiliterate18; functional19 illiterate20

136、占百分比 account for ...%

137、专任教师 full-time teacher

138、资料中心 data center

139、国际文化交流 intercultural communication

140、教育方针 guideline(s)/guiding principle(s) for education

141、教育必须为社会主义现代化服务,必须同生产劳动相结合,培养德智体全面发展的建设者和接班人。Education must serve the needs of socialist1 modernization2, be integrated with productivelabor3, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectual andphysically4.

142、适应社会主义现代化建设需要,面向二十一世纪,具有中国特色的社会主义教育体系。a socialist education system with distinct Chinese characteristics that meets the needs of socialist modernization and is oriented to the 21st century

143.坚持社会主义方向to keep to the socialist orientation5

144、身体好,学习好,工作好。Keep fit, study hard and work well.

145、德才兼备 to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability

146、成为有理想,有道德,有文化,守纪律的劳动者 to become working people with lofty ideals, moral integrity, education and a sense of discipline

147、教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来Gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future

148、爱国主义教育 education in patriotism6

149、国际主义教育 education in internationalism

150、集体主义教育 education in collectivism

151、共产主义教育 education in communism

152、共产主义道德品质 communist ethics7

153、政治思想教育 political and ideological8 education

154、五爱(爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱护公物)"Five Love": love the motherland, the people, labor, and science and take good care of public property.

155、教书育人 to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge

156、培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently

157、启发学生独立思考的能力to help develop the ability of the students to think things out for themselves

158、培养学生自学能力to foster the students' ability to study on their own

159、发挥学生主动性、创造性 to give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness

160、自学成才 to become educated through independent study

161、启发式 elicitation method (of teaching); heuristic method

162、填鸭式教学法 cramming/forced-feeding method of teaching

163、普及教育 universal education

164、义务教育 compulsory education; free education

165、学前教育 preschool education

166、初等教育 elementary education

167、中等教育 secondary education

168、高等教育 higher/tertiary education

169、普遍教育 general education

170、成人教育 adult education

171、职业技术教育 vocational and technical education

172、国家教育委员会 State Education Commission

173、高等学校 institution of higher education

174、综合性大学 comprehensive university

175、文科大学 university of liberal arts

176、文科院校 colleges of art

177、理工科大学 college/university of science and engineering

178、师范大学 normal university; teachers' university

179、师范学院 teachers' college

180、工业大学 polytechnic university

181、工业学院 engineering institute

182、农业大学 agricultural university

183、农学院 agricultural college

184、医科大学 medical university

185、医学院 medical college/school

186、中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine

187、音乐学院 conservatory of music

188、美术学院 academy of fine arts

189、体育学院 physical culture institute

190、分校 branch school

191、重点学校 key school

192、业余学校 spare-time school

193、业余职工大学 spare-time college for staff and workers

194、电视广播大学 television and radio broadcasting university

195、函授学院 correspondence school

196、教师进修学校 teachers' college for vocational studies

197、成人夜校 night school for adults

198、业余艺术/体育学校 amateur arts/athletic school

199、半工半读学校 part-work and part-study school

200、中等专业学校 secondary specialized school; polytechnic school

201、中等技术学校 secondary technical school; technical secondary school