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感谢父母的英语作文Thanksgiving parents


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感谢父母的英语作文Thanksgiving parents


Parents to foster a seedling -- that's what we are. In the storm, they like a big umbrella Zhefengdangyu for us, do our best to protect us, we must learn to Thanksgiving their parents.


As the saying goes, the father, mother's Day is. Yeah! You give us enough nutrition; you give us plenty of water; you give us plenty of sunshine; give us enough oxygen. That is the great parents.


Gratitude is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. You will know how to be grateful for the success of the road, know how to be grateful for your soul will become more abundant, know how to be grateful for your life will be more happy, happy. Thanksgiving is not a word on it, it is to rely on your own efforts can be obtained. In ancient times, Confucius Mencius with me which are know Thanksgiving will accomplish great things industry to return to their parents. The parents have no parents, where do we come from?


People ask me how to repay parents? I will say to them, to use your heart to feel grateful; to return their achievements.


People are always not satisfied, always want to get more. But if you do not know how to Thanksgiving, will not be able to get it to pray to the gods.


Cherish! Let us learn Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving people watching you love you love you!