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托福英语口语范文:<a href=广告技术说服消费者" title="托福英语口语范文:广告技术说服消费者">



话题:In a mass media class, professor talks about certain techniques in advertising to persuade consumers.


论点1:Direct route.

例子1:If a car is really energy efficient that it runs on electricity or small amount of gasoline, in advertisement, they will use facts and statistics to compare themselves with other cars, the consumers can have a pretty good sense on the functions. This is direct approach or direct route.

论点2:Indirect route

例子2:If a car is ordinary in functions, has no other obvious advantages, in advertisement it will be showing a group of people smiling and laughing, driving themselves to the beach, this is a technique that relates the car with happiness. Using associations and connections other than facts and hard evidence, is indirect route.