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言之无文,行而不远。语言作为评分原则中的基本要素之一,在专四作文评分的整个过程中具有决定性作用。有评分老师甚至断言:“It is not what you say, it is the way that you say it。”(重要的并不在于考生写了些什么,而在于考生是怎么表达的。)虽然这种说法本身似乎有失偏颇,可是参加过国际标准化英语考试的同学应该也听说过那么一句话,叫做:“Give the monkey exactly what he wants。”(给阅卷老师最想要的。),不是吗?譬如同样是描述数据,一些同学拘泥于图表本身,动辄按部就班地引用图表上现成的数字和年代,其实这都是图表作文的忌讳。聪明的同学引而不用,他们常喜欢用倍数、分数、小数、百分比、或者一些动词(double / triple / quadruple)来表现极端数据,动态数据以及他们的相异之处。


行百里者半九十。一篇成功的作文少不了反复推敲、一再修改。然而,由于考试时间和条件等诸多因素的限制,考生绝对需要慎重对待作文的检查和修改。这里,我不得不提考生检查作文时的三大“通病”,即,数字数、孤芳自赏、和做结构与内容上的修改。我们必须明确:考试作文的润色和修改只需要达到三个目的即可:1. 拼写正确,看文章中是否有汉字、多余符号、糊乱涂改、划线、和错别字;2. 搭配正确;和3. 语法正确,特别是人称、时态、和单复数的三"一致"。



1、适合Advantage / Disadvantage题型

People’s views towards the advantages and disadvantages of 主题词 vary greatly. Some believe that 观点1 , while others support that 观点2 . As for me, I agree to the latter idea because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

There are dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据一. 理由一.

The second reason that can be seen by every person is that 论据二. For example, 理由二.

From the above, we can easily see that 主题词 is beneficial to 总结理由一二.

2、适合Yes / No题型

It has long been a contentious issue as to whether 题目陈述. Some people are of the opinion that 观点一, while others point out that 观点二. As far as I am concerned, the latter opinion holds more weight.

For one thing, 论据一. 理由一.

For another, 论据二. 理由二.

Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that 总结观点. Therefore, as a university student, we should 提出意见.

3、适合A / B题型

Nowadays, 通过想象引出话题. As a result, some people are worried that A与B之间的矛盾. However, I don’t think their concerns are necessary, because A has some exclusive advantages over B.

First of all, A 与 B比较优势一. A 的优点. However, B的缺点.

Furthermore, A 与B比较优势二. For example, 举例说明优势二.

Last but not least, A 与B比较优势三. A的优点. In contrast, B 的缺点.

In short, A has some merits that B doesn’t have. Therefore, 结论.


Nowadays, with 现象, people are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of 主题词. In my point of view, 把标题变为陈述句. There are numerous reasons to support my point of view, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.

One of the primary causes is that 理由一. If you look around, you will always find that 举例证明一.

Another reason that can be seen by every person is that 理由二. A good case in point is 举例证明二.

So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion that 结论. Therefore, 提出建议.


1、适合The Best Way型

Nowadays, it is a heatedly discussed topic that 引出话题. People have put forward various ways, such as 例一,例二,例三, etc. As for me, the best way to 主题词 is 论点.

The benefits for my ideas can be generalized to two major ones. First of all, 理由一. Suppose if 提出假想例子证明理由一.

Another benefit is that 理由二. Suppose if 提出假想例子证明理由一.

In conclusion, 总结. So 提出建议.

2、My Idea型

This problem is a much debated one in that it affects almost everybody in their daily lives. As a college student, I think that 论点.

To begin with, 理由一. 证明理由一.

A further reason why I support this is that 理由二. There is a good evidence to show that 证明理由二.

From what has been discussed above, a conclusion can be drawn that 结论. I wish 提出希望.

标签:专四 提分