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  Definition 定义


“Mei Fei Se Wu ” is an idiom whose meaning is self-evident and easy to understand. “Mei” refers to one’s brows and “Se” one’s facial expression. “Fei” and “Wu” mean flying and dancing respectively. Put together, these words as an idiom can be used to describe the happy look when one is in rapture or feels complacent.

  Idiom in Use 成语使用

"My father, my father, my mother finally travel! This time I can be free!" Son like the shape of the hi so that I was surprised, did not expect his wife on a business trip he was not depressed, but also to his wife, Happy dancing.


Son every time homework is frown, but a play online games to be happy and energetic dance. Every time he saw his son two completely different look, his wife are angry furious.


Wife travel a few days, while I take care of his son while busy with work, a serious lack of sleep. Work at the meeting, the leadership in the stage eyebrows say ah, ah, but I have heard sleepy. ... ... do not know how long, shouting about to enter the sleepy I woke up.


  Relevant Idioms 相关成语


喜形于色 xǐ xíng yú sè

Synonymous idiom :(of one’s face ) lighten up


手舞足蹈 shǒu wǔ zú dǎo

Related synonym: joyously


愁眉苦脸 chóu méi kǔ liǎn

Antonymous idiom: with a sad face


昏昏欲睡 hūn hūn yù shuì

Related antonym: sleepy drowsy


火冒三丈 huǒ mào sān zhàng

Other related: fly into a rage; become enraged/infuriated

标签:眉飞色舞 成语