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In 2004-05, there were 6,656 graduates from the schools of public health, a 43.6%increase from 1994-95 (4,636 graduates) 以上是美国一个名为Association of Schools of Public Health(美国公共卫生学院学会)所发布的一个官方数据, 从94年-05年的十年期间, 公共卫生专业的申请人数增长了43.6%, 充分地显示了公卫专业逐渐受到了重视。

介绍美国<a href=留学公共卫生专业(MPH)" title="介绍美国留学公共卫生专业(MPH)">

追溯起公共卫生(public health)的发展, 其实可以说它是在逆境中诞生的, 随着H5N1, SARS等等疾病的爆发以及蔓延所带给人类的威胁, 使得人们更关注健康的问题, 从而促使了公共卫生的地位逐渐变得超然了。 近几年逐渐被很多人觉得是不错的专业, 因此申请者的人数也在攀升了。 公卫的职能, 就像是预防医学, 从疾病爆发前的研究, 到流行病的属性极其传播, 再到疾病的控制与管理, 从疾病的根本原因到上层的管理政策, 分析, 预防疾病的爆发。 在美国, 有些专门的公卫学院, 公卫学院的前身很多都是从医学院里面发展开来的, 时至今日, 仍然有不少的public health是设立在医学院里面的。 另外美国认证了以下学校是有Council on Education of Public Health (CEPH),大约有42所学校是正式的会员, 6所学校是准会员。


美国的公卫学院, MPH(Master of Public Health), MS(Master of Science),MHS(Master of Health Science)以及PHD这几种学位所占的分额比较重, 也就是在公卫学院里面比较常见的学位, 当中也有的学校会设置有DrPH, 如 UCLA, UC Berkeley 还有Columbia 等, 有这个学位的学校大都是很牛的学校。 还有就是BS, 如 U at Buffalo, Oregon State U, 但数量又少一点了。 另外还有JD以及MD, 都是在公卫学院里面的交叉科目的产物, 因此数量也达到了珍稀的级别, 很少见有该学位的学校。

其实,在美国能见度最高的公卫学位就是MPH, , PhD,除了上述所列之外,还有一些管理学位,比如Master of Health Administration(MHA),Master of Medical Management(MMM)等。


根据统计, 08年申请公卫的117人中, 有76人是申请硕士学位的`, 申请PHD学位的有31人, 其他的学位的有10人。从去年的申请来看, 公卫专业里面, 申请硕士学位的人比申请博士的人多。而MPH与MS同样都是master的学位, 但是MPH比较professional, 完成学业后, 就是公共卫生硕士, 而MS则是普通的硕士学位。 更加professional的MPH显然比MS受欢迎, 成为最受欢迎学位。

PHD的申请要求比MS/MPH高, 在TOEFL成绩的要求上没有很大的分别, 最大的要求在于GRE以及GPA上, 就像是U of Washington: MS 1000 PhD 1266 the average quantitative score for accepted applicants was 691 and average verbal score was 571, 还有U Minnesota的M。S。 and M.P.H。GRE scores of 450 (verbal), 650 (quantitative)/Ph。D。 GRE scores of 550 (verbal), 650 (quantitative),

U of Iowa 要求是MS:3.0 GRE:1050/PHD:3.。25 GRE:1100 U of south FL: 硕士:1050 PHD Minimum Verbal GRE score of 480 and minimum Quantitative GRE score of 620,

对于申请PHD的背景要求也会相对严苛很多, 像UIC, 会要求申请MPH的要求1000, 如果申请PHD则需要有MPH学位则要求有相关的工作经验, 以及公卫硕士学位。




Sample PS_ MPH

Personal Statement

Academic Program: Epidemiology M.P.H.

Get out of here and never come back! Forcefully pushed out of the pub, I sat down against a nearby wall to scrub the dust off my shoes and regain my composure. My pride was wounded, not because of the way they treated me, but because they did not believe what I told them. It was the second time I had been forced out of this particular pub, a place for gay gathering. This is part of my research project Health education model of preventing HIV/AIDS based on employer-employee relationships, which I was working on. I believed that in order to effectively prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, employers, who are on the top of business pyramid, should be first in line to know the disease well, because they can leverage the sufficient resources necessary to exert great influence on the disease prevention within their enterprises. This approach fits the circumstances in China particularly well.

In face of this frustration, I didn’t give up trying. Before the start of the project, the local center for disease control and prevention had already counted the fifth reported case of AIDS virus infection, who later acknowledged that he had once provided sex service in that club or dated his homosexual partner. The devastating consequences if no intervention would be taken obliged me to try other means. Working as a team, three friends joined my endeavor and we handed out brochures outside the pub that introduced HIV/AIDS preventive measures with the elaborately-designed slogan We understand you by showing our care to you! Eventually, our persistence had been well paid off. Our respect of their personal choice melted the toughness of the owner of the club and he agreed to give a hand in sending the information to his employees and clients.