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英语教学:Learn a Word

今天我们要学的词是 retroactively.

英语教学:Learn a Word

Retroactively 有追溯效力的.。

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter is reportedly considering retroactively demoting retired General David Petraeus.


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled its 2012 decision to bar mandatory life sentences without parole for juvenile killers can be applied retroactively.

美国联邦最高法院裁决,2012年通过的禁止判处未成年杀人犯终身监禁不得假释的规定,有追溯效力,适用于2012年前定罪的囚犯 。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 retroactively, retroactively, retroactively...