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good evening ,ladies and gentlemen:

we are the world ,we are the future

someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’

ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

we are young. “how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it’s the matter of the will. it’

s the freshness of the deep spring of life.

a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i’d like to share it with all of you. let’

s show our right can see three lines that show

how our er and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let’s make a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life?tell , it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves.

we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. don’t cry

because it is over, smile because it happened. from the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way.

failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder. as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. the past has gone. nothing we do will change it. but the future is in front of us. believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. and from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves,


I often wonder what friendship is. Friendship is too big a topic to talk about either specifically or generally. I guemost of us are still in a puzzling state about what friendship is, and I myself should be included. Maybe people who define friendship according to his own life experience will say that they have a good concept of friendship, which I think is too narrow to get an objective definition of it. But how hard it would be to talk about friendship without mixing personal feeling in it, especially when it comes to the matter of CLOSEST friend. So here I would like to share my views with you about friendship, about my closest friend. I have had friends since I was born, some of whom have come along with me through my life, and it is impossible to always keep your friends around you since departure is one part of life that everybody must experience. Though some of you may oppose me by exaggerating the connotation of the concept of being together that is friends may not stay together physically but they can stay together always psychologically,

I still hold that departure is an absolute thing. How could it be possible that your friend (even your closest friend) always keeps you in heart as he/she had, is having and will have different experiences from yours? Somehow different experiences make up of different hearts. Man s heart is a quite strange thing. Never think that one can wholly touch it. Sometimes our heart is so abstract that you don t even know how to get to them. If we take heart as a cube, and closest friend a gentle breeze, this breeze can only blow one facet of this cube from one direction and can rarely reach any other sides of your heart. I m not sure whether I have put it very clearly but believe me that there are no fixed closest friend in your life. With different time, place, space, emotion and situation, you have different closest friends. When I play basketball, I have a closest friend who knows how to cooperate with me and together give our opponents a deadly attack; when I am alone and feel so lonely, I have a friend who can always comfort me by saying that he is my friend; when I am in need of money, the one who comes all the way and lend his money to me without any hesitation is my closest friend


As the saying goes: "one minute on stage, the audience ten years of practice." If a person is very successful, not given to others, the more does not fall down from the sky. Is to rely on our own efforts, hard fight. In order to mainly comes from diligent study is not to be jealous.

Each person's ability is not innate, but rely on their own hard work and to. For example, the German mathematician, physicist and astronomer Gauss. His childhood love of learning, life and made great contributions to the cause of science, but if he doesn't work hard learning since childhood, he could not become a famous science giants. No hard learning is impossible achievement. There are many such examples, can be said that every successful people have to study hard, strive to explore.

The point of learning is to "learn" and "dare to learn". If your dream is to become an achievement, can make people respected, but you don't want to, or dare not to learn will be without a single success. Madame Curie and her husband in order to prove the existence of radium, go through untold hardships, risked the loss of life, through their diligence, hard work eventually extracted 1/10 grams of extremely pure chloride of radium, and accurate determination of the atomic weight of it, confirmed the existence of radium. This is what an amazing facts. It was Mrs. Curie's willing to do, do it confirmed the existence of radium. Therefore, in order to become a talented person, must from "learn", "dare to learn".