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  一. 听音,标号。(10分)


bigger stronger thinner younger smaller

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  二. 听音选择正确的答案。(10分)

( ) 1.A.I’m 14 years old. B.I’m 164 cm.

( ) ,he is. ,she is.

( ) are 80 Kg . ’re 80 cm.

( ) 4.A.I’m fine ,thank you. B.I’m 14.

( ) hant it


is older than Ann. ( )

is shorter than Amy. ( )

is stronger than Ann. ( )

is twelve. ( )

is 164 cm. ( )


  一. 选出不同类的.词。(5分)

( )ier er y

( )m whale ter er whale

( )3.A. ton B. meter C. kg

( )4.A. than ow n

( )5.A. hair B. feet C. old

  二. 选择最佳答案。(10分)

( )1.A pencil is 15___________.

A. cm B.m C. mm

( ) are 35_______

A.g .

( )3.I am 158 cm tall,but you are _____________.

A.I am taller than you . B.I am shorter than you.

are 3 cn taller than me.

( ) _______are your feet? I wear size 19.


( )’re taller than _________ brother.

A. me C. you

( ) boy is 45 girl is 40 h one is wrong(错误的)?

boy is bigger than the girl. girl is stronger than the boy.

boy is heavier than the girl.

( ) Jie is three years older than h one is right(对的)?

Jie is 10,and Amy is 10,too. Jie is 10,and Amy is 7.

Jie is 7,And Amy is 10.

( ) is 160cm brother is 7cm taller than tall is his brother?

A.155cm. B.153cm C.167cm.

( )h one is stronger?

A. elephant it ey

( )’re taller than _________.



are you? A.I’m 160 cm.

tall are you ? B.I’m 13 years old.

old are you ? ,thank you.

heavy is he ? ’s 20 cm.

long is the ruler? ’s 55kg.


A:I’m 160cm you?

B:How tall are you?

C:Yes,you’re right.

D:I’m 158cm ’re 2 cm taller than me.

( ) -------( )--------( )-------( )


例子:stronger------stronger------I’m stronger than you.

1. young-----younger----_______________________________.

-------_________----I’m older than you.

------ taller------_______________________________.


5.____--- smaller------_______________________________.

  六. 阅读理解。(10分)

Girl:Mom,look,there are some birds.

Mom:Which bird do you like?

Girl:I like the green ’s taller than the blue one.

Mom:Which bird is stronger?

Girl:The blue one is stronger.

Mom:I like the blue bird.I think it’s younger.

Girl:But the green bird’s tail is longer than the blue one.

Mom:I think it’s about 20 cm long.


green bird is ____________than the blue one.

blue bird is ___________than the green one.

green bird tail is about ___________long.

mom likes the ______bird.

5. The girl likes the_______bird.