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1. Congratulations on your good marriage. 恭喜你们喜结良缘!


2. The bride and the groom are well suited. 新娘和新郎很般配。

3. You are well matched. 你们很般配。

4. I wish you a long life together. 祝你们百年好合。

5. May you be happy. 祝你们幸福。

6. I wish you have a wonderful honeymoon. 希望你们蜜月愉快。

7. Your bride is really beautiful. 你的`新娘真漂亮

8. May you have a lovely baby. 愿你们早生贵子。

9. I wish you two a happy and long married life. 祝你们婚姻幸福白头偕老。

10. It is really a beautiful wedding. 真是一场漂亮的婚礼!

11. It is a wonderful wedding ceremony. 结婚典礼举办的很精彩!

12. You are made for each other. 你们是天生的一对。

标签:新婚夫妇 英语